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This is SSA: Meet Elyse Sanford, District Chef, Plains

At SSA, we believe in enthusiasm, passion, and being an expert in what you do, not just because of your experience but because you love doing it. We hire people who enhance our culture and our business, and we’re proud to share more about them in our This is SSA employee story series.

In this installment of ‘This is SSA’, we interviewed Elyse Sanford, the first female District Chef at SSA. In her last five years with SSA, she has advanced quickly, due largely to her determination and drive to become a leader and learn from other leaders in the industry. Read on to discover the path she took to get where she is today and her best advice for those also looking to grow in the culinary world.

Tell us a bit about your journey at SSA. 

I began as an Executive Sous Chef with SSA in February 2020, when they took over the food operations at Sedgwick County Zoo. Prior to this, I had been working at the zoo for eight years. In 2021, I was promoted to Executive Chef, then to Area Chef in 2023, and finally received another promotion in May 2024 to District Chef.

I had been with SSA for only a month when COVID hit, leading to the zoo's shutdown. I was understandably worried about my job security, having just started. 2020 turned out to be the most eye-opening year for me at SSA. I was fortunate to have a great GM who mentored me throughout the year, helping me understand what SSA is all about. His infamous saying that year was, “And let me tell you why.” Absorbing every “why” and understanding the business helped me immensely in advancing my career. Throughout my career, I always strive to either figure out the “why” or explain the “why” to the upcoming talent within SSA.

It's been a whirlwind of a career. I am in my fifth year with SSA and went from my initial role as Executive Sous Chef to District Chef. I have felt so much support from so many people within the company. My goal was to be the first female District Chef for SSA. I never imagined that I would be able to reach that goal so quickly. Never underestimate the power of learning and hard work!

What drew you to work at SSA?

Before SSA took over operations, my zoo was self-operated, and I worked there as a restaurant manager. I left for 1.5 years to further my culinary career as a Sous Chef under a local chef. When I left, the director told me, "Don't get comfortable; I'm going to get you back here soon." True to his word, a year and a half later, he called and informed me that SSA would be taking over the food service operations and that they needed a chef. I applied, and the rest is history.

I truly believe that this company is all about the people. I've always loved the people aspect of our industry, and it's what keeps me engaged and committed to SSA. I want to be part of that. I want to continue developing our people, knowing that investing time in them will benefit the business and drive growth in our numbers.

What helps you bring your most authentic self to work?

Clarity of purpose. Understanding the value and purpose of my role helps me stay aligned with my goals and the goals of those I assist. 

We have some amazing accounts, and reminding myself daily of how fortunate we are to work in these locations brings me great joy. Over the years, I have built incredible relationships and experienced extraordinary things that I couldn't have encountered in any other kitchen environment.

If you could give your younger self any advice, what would it be?

  • Embrace your mistakes! They are a vital part of learning and self-growth. Continuously learn from your mistakes and use them as opportunities to become a better version of yourself.

  • Step out of your comfort zone. Try new things and seize every opportunity that comes your way. Ask questions, observe, and keep learning.

  • Surround yourself with people who lift you up. Seek out those who challenge and push you to do more, remind you of your strengths, and celebrate your achievements.

How do you recharge outside of work? 

I love spending quality time with family and friends, experiencing new things together, exploring cities, or trying new activities for the first time. Being a very social person, I enjoy being around people. However, I equally love disconnecting from the world, retreating to quiet places in nature, and enjoying the peace. There's nothing quite like taking a good nap in a hammock!


What advice do you have for someone who wants to break into your role?

For those wanting growth and opportunities in the kitchen, check your ego and be open to learning from those around you. We all have strengths and weaknesses. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when something isn't your strong suit. Asking for help is never a sign of weakness, and I think a lot of people aiming for higher roles mistakenly believe it is. Continuously ask, "How do you do that?" or "I haven't done that before; can you show me again?" I've often sought advice from and leaned on other chefs, and that's when I learned the most and built amazing relationships with chefs across the country.

Curious to learn more about careers at SSA and the incredible work our people are doing? See more employee stories here.