At SSA, we believe in enthusiasm. In passion. In being an expert in what you do, not just because of your experience but because you love doing it. We hire people who enhance our culture and our business. And we’re proud to share more about them in our This is SSA employee story series.
For this month’s ‘This is SSA’, we interviewed Mallory Mahoney, Senior Director of Product Management, and how her unique role contributes to what makes SSA great. Read more below about how she landed at SSA Group, when she learned to bring her most authentic self to work, and her ideal version of how to end a beautiful Colorado hike.
Tell us a bit about your journey at SSA.
I originally started my career in Denver, Colorado in corporate finance, which is where my love of numbers and data originates. After a small mid-twenties crisis (it’s a thing), and a move to Boston without a job, I ended up at a company in the travel industry as a marketing analyst working my way up the ladder to eventually running the brand.
It was then I realized, you know what, I don’t like Boston winters and I think Colorado actually is the right place for me. I moved back for a job at a large ski company and in time, found myself working with Slalom as a consultant.
SSA was my second client at Slalom and the rest, as they say, is history.

What drew you to work at SSA?
While I was consulting, I missed the teamwork and comradery of being at one company and getting to see the result of the work that I contributed to over time. After consulting with SSA for over a year and a half, it was the company values, specifically the emphasis on family, that really resonated with me. I was looking for a place where I could feel at home and SSA felt that way to me.
What makes you most excited about your work at SSA?
I love solving problems and creating efficiencies in every aspect of my life, personally and professionally. As a product manager on the digital team, one of my key responsibilities is to help define products that do just that; such as streamlining kitchen operations with different technical integrations. Every day, I try to learn more about the problems that our operators face and work with our engineering and design team on how we can make our units teams lives easier through digital solutions.I am excited to see what a digital transformation can look like within SSA with our SPARKd products and digital partnerships.
Further, I am excited about the opportunities outside our traditional core business to deliver amazing solutions to customers such as our partnership with

If you could give your younger self any advice, what would it be?
Stay curious because it will lead you to the things you love. Ask for help because you don’t know everything.
What has helped you bring your most authentic self to work?
If I am being honest, I haven’t always been the best at bringing my most authentic self to work. I was very private about my personal life at work whether that was my day-to-day happenings or about my love life. During COVID, I realized how much of a disservice I was doing both for myself and my LGBTQ+ community. From that realization on, I have only ever worked in places where I feel like I can be my true self. For me, being authentic means sharing when things are good in my life but also, when I am struggling. It is about trusting the people around you and being willing to be vulnerable so that hopefully they feel safe sharing these things about themselves as well.
What do you like to do outside of work?
I love traveling and exploring new cultures. My partner and I try to take multiple international trips a year, if possible. Typically, those trips revolve either around food or doing something adventurous. I also love traveling around the United States and visiting national parks. Being from Colorado, I love all things outdoors including skiing, hiking, rafting, and anything that feels a little miserable while doing it but is fun in hindsight. I am also obsessed with my dog. A perfect day is enjoying the outdoor beauty that Colorado has to offer with my mini family, followed by a great Colorado craft beer!
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