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Leading the Conversation: SSA Thought Leaders at AZA 2024

AZA Annual Conference is more than an event on our calendars—it’s a family reunion where we get to reconnect with so many of our partners and peers, all under one roof. Each year, we eagerly look forward to the exchange of ideas and the incredible energy of AZA and this year we’re especially excited to have six of our own leaders joining panel sessions to share their expertise.  

We caught up with each of them and got a sneak peek into their sessions and what they love most about AZA. Read on for their insights, and don’t miss out—join us September 14-19 in Calgary! 



David Rosenberg, Executive Vice President, Growth and Experience at SSA Ventures 

Why do you love attending AZA? 

I look forward to attending AZA each year to see my industry friends and colleagues, hear about new trends within our industry, and get a general pulse on how zoos and aquariums may change in the year to come. I always find the meetings to be inspirational, the keynote discussions to be energizing, and the overall environment to be thought-provoking and collaborative. I typically leave the conference energized with new ideas and excitement for what lies ahead within our industry. 

 In your experience, what role does exceptional hospitality play in encouraging guests to stay connected and return as loyal visitors?  

Exceptional and frictionless hospitality is the key to cultivating loyalty. The goal should be to take a visitor and carry them along on the pathway to donorship – with a stop along the way as a member. When a visitor rates their overall experience as exceptional, they are energized to carry themselves along on this pathway. Likewise, I always believe that strong hospitality drives more interactions. When a visitor has their first strong hospitality experience, they will seek out other opportunities to interact – the more interactions a visitor has with someone wearing a name tag, the higher the likelihood is of them staying connected. Staff providing exceptional hospitality is key to connecting the visitor to the experience, building empathy for the brand, and developing a desire to support the organization. This is the magic formula for growing loyalty.  

Are there any key elements or practices that you believe are essential? What are you looking forward to sharing in your EXPO live session? 

Creating the next level of guest experience and deepening connections with visitors have been the focus of much of my career. Likewise, a strong guest experience starts when someone is making a decision to visit and continues past their post-visit communications. Zoos and aquariums that understand the full cycle of a visit and deliver highly integrated experiences are sure to grow by aligning with the expectations of the next generation of visitors. I’m excited to share my knowledge on how to build this model during my EXPO Live session. 

Attend David’s session on AZA Expo LIVE: Creating Next-level Guest Experiences and Deepening Connections Across Generations - presented by SSA Group
Tuesday, Sep 17, 2024
1:00 PM - 1:30 PM MDT 



Andrew Fischer, Vice President of Restorative Strategies, SSA Group 

Why do you think AZA is important to our industry?  

SSA partners with close to 70 AZA zoos and aquariums across the country. AZA provides a critical link to our partners' conservation efforts and impacts in their communities and with their field partners. They maintain industry accreditation standards and guidelines that ensure safety and livelihood of the collection as well as staff and visitor safety and education.  

SSA has been supporting AZA for many years but our engagement over the last 10 years with committee service and advisory group work has allowed us to listen and offer collaborative and constructive feedback.  

I’m honored to have served on the Conservation Education Committee and currently serve on the Wildlife Conservation Committee as the SAFE liaison for four species. Other SSA staff contribute to the Business Operations and Diversity Committees, fostering stronger connections with our partners and their goals. 

What are some of the latest trends in sustainability and how can the industry effectively align with these changing expectations? 

SSA recently completed our Climate Action Plan, and I helped develop a session and presentation focused on sustainability, climate action planning, and its connection to conservation efforts and core sustainability expectations. 

From a trend perspective, there is a growing expectation for institutions to adopt some form of sustainability plan, whether basic or detailed, with a clear strategy. As a member of the Green Science Advisory Group (GSAG), we emphasize the need for facilities to elevate their sustainability efforts. We also see sustainability expanding through increased education and awareness within institutions. 

A critical trend supported by SSA is the use of dashboards to manage energy usage. As this resource expands within AZA, it will enable sustainability leaders to better understand their impact and take strategic steps to reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. SSA also partnered with the Aquarium Conservation Partnership (ACP) to develop a Sustainable Procurement Guide. Along with the SSA-driven Retail Sustainable Work Group Toolkit, these resources will help retail operations become more sustainable. 

Creating resources and guides is key to advancing industry-wide sustainability, a direction supported by SSA's involvement with AZA and the GSAG. We’ve played a significant role in supporting the AZA GSAG Green Summit, which shares best practices and fosters partnerships across aquariums and zoos to drive sustainable change. This collaboration gives us a unique opportunity and responsibility to support sustainable operations, helping us achieve our critical goal of Net Zero by 2040. 

Attend Andrew’s session: Sustainability and Climate Action Planning: Why, How, and What We’ve Learned
Tuesday, Sep 17, 2024 
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM MDT 



Jill Macauley, COO, Behavioral Essentials 

Why do you think AZA is important to our industry? 

Zoos and aquariums are more than just places to visit for my family and our broader community—they’re lifelines for wildlife conservation, education, and our connection to the natural world. For my daughter, they represent a future where she can grow up in a world that values and protects our planet's incredible diversity. AZA’s role is invaluable because it ensures that these places not only survive but thrive, giving her—and future generations—a chance to witness the beauty of wildlife and learn how important it is to care for it. AZA and all of its member organizations are about building a future where every species, every ecosystem, and every community can flourish together, for her and for all of us.  

Why do you love attending AZA? 

Attending AZA feels like coming home to a community of passionate, like-minded individuals. It’s a space where friendships deepen, laughter flows, and ideas come alive. Whether it's during a casual coffee or a shared meal, the conversations always inspire me, reminding me why we do what we do, and igniting fresh ways for us to move forward as a united force for good.  

How do you envision AI impacting the human element of guest interactions in zoos and aquariums? 

Our guest experiences are, at their core, human-driven, and while AI will never replace the essential human touch, it will revolutionize how we empower our staff. By equipping them with advanced tools, real-time data, and valuable insights, AI enhances their ability to engage more deeply with guests. More importantly, AI will refine our hiring processes, ensuring we bring on board the right people—those whose passion and behaviors align with our mission—ultimately elevating guest experiences and driving our conservation and educational goals forward. 

Attend Jill’s session: AI in the Wild: Elevating Guest Experiences in Modern Zoos and Aquariums
Tuesday, Sep 17, 2024
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM MDT 



Scott Lobaugh, Vice President of Admissions, SSA Group 

Why do you think AZA is important to our industry? 

Networking and knowledge sharing. We are all in the trenches in our respective areas. I don't think there is a better way to accelerate your learning curve than to network and share info/lessons learned with colleagues.  

What are you most looking forward to at this year’s conference? 

I’m looking forward to an in-person meeting with the AZA Trends Committee that I participated in. The committee, and specifically Debra Erickson and Dolf DeJong, have put a ton of work into the AZA Trends 2033 Report that will be released at this year's AZA conference. The committee has been meeting virtually over the last year and it will be great to see everyone in person! 

I am also participating in a panel on Wednesday and always look forward to sharing some of what we are doing in the admissions space at SSA Group.  

What is the number one piece of advice you can give cultural attractions about driving revenue while aligning with their mission? 

My #1 piece of advice from working with hundreds of attractions over the last 19 years is simple to say, but tough to execute. 

Driving revenue starts with setting up an organizational structure that is built to continually drive the business, from initial strategy to operationalizing that initiative, all the way to educating front-line staff.  

Our industry has incredibly high operational costs. Continually focusing on earned revenue to build new exhibits, repair aging infrastructure, and provide better pay for staff is key to financial sustainability, and our industry's mission.  

Attend Scott’s session: Show Me the Money – Mission-Driven Revenue Generating Ideas
Wednesday, Sep 18, 2024
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM MDT 



Matthew Beaudin, Corporate Executive Chef of Innovation 

Why do you think AZA is important to our industry?  

AZA plays a multifaceted role in the cultural attraction space, focusing on visitor education, conservation, enrichment, and community engagement—aligning closely with SSA Group’s vision for world-class hospitality in cultural attractions worldwide. We take great pride in partnering to share conservation and sustainability stories through dining experiences. 

How do you envision AI impacting culinary experiences in zoos and aquariums?  

AI has reshaped the food service industry in ways we never could have imagined only a few short years ago. From personalized experiences to operational efficiencies and creative freedoms for chefs, the integration of AI is setting new standards every single day. As we begin to better understand these technological and embrace the rapid advancements, we can look forward to a fast future where dining experiences are custom-tailored, incredibly efficient, and more enjoyable than ever before; a future where people can focus on the very heart of hospitality and creating memories while AI assists with the heavy lifting. 

Attend Matthew’s session: AI in the Wild: Elevating Guest Experiences in Modern Zoos and Aquariums
Tuesday, Sep 17, 2024
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM MDT 



Jason Stover, Vice President of People & Culture 

Why do you think AZA is important to our industry?  

AZA is a great gathering of minds and an opportunity to collectively solve some of the industry’s biggest challenges. 

How do you envision AI impacting the human element of guest interactions in zoos and aquariums?  

AI has the potential to enhance the human element by personalizing guest experiences, offering tailored recommendations, and freeing up staff to focus on more meaningful interactions with guests. 

If an organization is just getting started working toward diversity accreditation, what’s the first place they should start?  

The first step is to get your house in order. You need to assess where you currently stand in terms of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Conduct a thorough audit of your existing practices, policies, and culture. Understand the gaps and areas that need improvement. From there, establish a clear, actionable DEI strategy with measurable goals. And hey, it’s okay to admit you don’t know where to start—that’s where bringing in some help or a consultant can make all the difference. Getting expert guidance early on can set you on the right path and ensure your efforts are both effective and sustainable. Leadership buy-in is critical here—this can’t be just another box to check. It’s got to be a core part of your mission and values. 

How should zoos & aquariums familiarize themselves with this new diversity accreditation pillar, and what other resources exist to get certified here? 

Zoos and aquariums should immerse themselves in the accreditation requirements by connecting with organizations that have already walked this path. Networking with peers who’ve achieved the certification can provide invaluable insights and practical advice. Also, tap into resources offered by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) and other relevant bodies. They offer guidelines, workshops, and mentorship programs to help you navigate the process.  

And a definite step in the right direction? Attending our session. It’s designed to provide the foundational knowledge and resources needed to tackle this challenge head-on. Beyond that, tapping into your peers and partnering institutions can offer collaborative solutions and shared best practices. Certification is the destination, but education and culture change are the journey. 

Attend Jason’s sessions Navigating Diversity Accreditation in AZA – Everything you Need to Know on Standard 
Wednesday, Sep 18, 2024
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM MDT 

AI in the Wild: Elevating Guest Experiences in Modern Zoos and Aquariums
Tuesday, Sep 17, 2024 
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM MDT 


